Cyber Security
Our security professionals are experts in both computer programming and cyber security. they look at software designs from a security perspective in order to identify and resolve security issues. For each phase of the software development lifecycle, they include security analysis, defenses, and countermeasures so as to end up with strong and reliable software.
Cyber security is essential for every business to maintain its online presence spontaneously. In this world, technologies are continuously evolving with the rise of the internet and other digitalization methods. Due to the technological shift and other assessments, different organizations adapt their technology without concerning the right direction from IT, security information, procurement, and other risk analysis. Security is necessary for every organization, no matter what types of services you provide. However, cyber security is a technological approach that practices protecting critical systems and sensitive information of a business or service from cyberbullying or threats. Cyber security is crucial to stay alert from digital attacks. It measures as the protection or guard to make a system secure and reliable. As a managed security service provider, we can improve your security posture by bringing advanced expertise in the current threat landscape. We can also provide you the enhanced cyber security service to make your business more secure with 24x7 network security monitoring, Virtual CISO Services, or Penetration Testing. It is essential to make your services more secure to operate your business smoothly. Our professionals are enthusiasts, and we aim to become trusted compliance and risk program advisor to our clients.
Our Core principles are making a trustworthy relationship with the clients to deliver excellent security services with cost-effective technology. We work to reduce enterprise-wide risks by following the effective methods of cyber security. It is also necessary to provide expert consulting services to support IT teams as per the business criteria. For creating a secure IT environment, it is necessary to detect and respond to threats. The enhanced information also helps security leadership to enterprises of all sizes.
The Right Service for Your Security Needs
Security services are crucial for every business to ensure the optimum performance of an organization. We are providing the best cyber security solutions, which consist of a variety of services designed to meet all of your company’s needs. Also, the system needs to become customizable as per the specific requirements of your business or services. The specific requirements process the enhanced security option to build within the protected system to provide detailed notifications, reporting, and dashboards. Our software and security professionals are enthusiasts, and we can assist you in choosing the best solution regarding cyber security threats to your custom business software and its faces.
What Cybersecurity Services Does REXO IT Offers?
Cybersecurity services play a vital in every business for protecting all sorts of services with networks, programs, devices, and data from cyber-attacks. At REXO IT, we offer the best cyber security service, which is affordable and reliable for every business. We are promised to provide comprehensive cyber security solutions with the engagement of cybersecurity consulting services for businesses of all sizes. Our security professionals and their team members will work smoothly to protect your data to ensure you meet compliance requirements. All the security maintenance and protection regarding cyber security will give you confidence that your business is safeguarded, where you can operate your digitalized or software-based services smoothly.
Cybersecurity Risk Assessment
Virtual CISO
Penetration Testing
Network Security Monitoring
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
DDoS IP Protection
Intrusion Detection and Response (IDR)
Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
Phishing Prevention Training
Vulnerability Scanning and Remediation
IT Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)
Cybersecurity Risk Assessment
Cybersecurity risk assessment is necessary for every software-based business. This assessment provides the best integration, which helps to do an in-depth look at the current security posture of a business. Our IT security professionals and services team can easily identify all the assets of an organization that can be directly affected by cyber attacks. It helps to understand the risks associated with each element of the business, and it also helps you define what needs the most protection. After that, it becomes contended to identify and follow the customized road map, including the short and long-term milestones. Ultimately, a business can be more secure and productive with the involvement of the best analysis of cyber security risk assessment.
Virtual CISO
We can operate the virtual CISO by bringing specialized security expertise to your organization or company. The vCISO means the virtual chief information security officer, where an officer like vCISO is hired to design a mature cyber security program for an organization to notably reduce risk. However, hiring a virtual CISO officer from us is affordable, and that is also highly effective for a business. This virtual service is designed to make top-tier security experts with enhanced security, where we are available to you to provide the service as per the requirements. Our Virtual CISO officers work professionally and bring their talented ideas for both strategic and operational leadership to deliver excellent results. As per the full-time resource security arrangement, we can also provide consistent security expertise.
Penetration Testing
Penetration testing is well-known as pen testing or ethical hacking as usual usage in cyber security. We can provide you the penetration testing to make your organization or company more secure. Our talented penetration testing team works smoothly to identify cybersecurity vulnerabilities. This thing is essential to ensure enhanced protection before an intruder creates the opportunity to infiltrate your network or computer system of your business. However, this working process will help us to uncover weaknesses in your network to fix comfortably. It is also necessary for the applications or systems to remediate and reduce risk. This testing process is also essential to test the robustness of an organization's security policy, which helps to increase security awareness and the ability of an organization to identify and respond to security incidents as they occur. We will work to detect the potential attackers, which will help to determine overall risk and valuation. Our findings through the testing will help in stimulating ethical hacking attacks that are primarily focused on high-value target assets. Ultimately, all the findings will help us focus on the resources that could mitigate the potential loss of a business as per the prioritized and compiled into our recommendations.
Network Security Monitoring
Network security monitoring is an operational process of a system or an organization. It works as a super vigilance to the system to keep the security system up to date. Our security professionals are enthusiasts to provide 24x7 Cyber Security Operations. The monitoring process of a network system helps to stay alert from threats behind your business. It also makes an organization or a business vigilant to detect attacks against critical assets before it conducts a data infringement. It will be more beneficial to identify what is happening in real-time, including the continual log retention and storage built in the system. The monitoring process of network security includes several essential methods from 24x7 security to real-time threat monitoring, including threat Intelligence and Detection. The managed compliance reporting is also included in the network monitoring section. Other services will include log management, retention, correlation, and storage. We will also work with the managed archive and search system, including the firewall, IDS, and IPS log monitoring. This stage will also ensure the systematic approach with the customs rules to the organization built by the security professionals.
Multi-Factor Authentication
We can provide you with multi-factor authentication MFA to ensure the best cyber security of your organization. For protecting something, password protection is not good enough to make secure your company against cyberattacks and data breaches. Multi-factor authentication is an excellent option to protect your useful online data. The MFA is necessary for making your confidential data on the internet. As long as the protecting feature, this security process will also ensure that only verified users can access your business applications and services by meeting the best security standards.
DDoS IP Protection
We can also provide your organization with the DDoS IP protection service. DDoS means distributed denial of service, which occurs with the attacks of a subclass of denial of service (DoS) attacks. However, it is also necessary for detecting by following the throttling, detecting, and scrubbing. Our professional security experts can provide you with this hardware-based service by enhancing the following process to recognize the incoming DDoS attack. The following working strategies will help an organization or business to re-route malicious traffic before it reaches by following the system's IP Address. It will also prevent malicious threats in the systems tracks. Our professional security team members will follow the throttling, detecting, and scrubbing process to ensure the best shield system.
Intrusion Detection and Response (IDR)
REXO IT is pleased to offer you the IDR solution for your business or organization. IDR solution is well-known as the SEIM- Security Event and Incident Management. This working process is beneficial to make your system more secure. The IDR solution to a system works actively and monitors your network 24x7 for signs of different cyberattacks before they happen. This solution also consists the three of its essential layers, which include an automated threat detection system, skilled security experts, and remediation. The skilled security experts will simply follow all these security alarms, and the remediation will comfortably happen without interrupting the ongoing business. Intrusion detection plays a vital role in every software-based company and organization, which alerts the system by indicating the signs of cyberattacks before they happen.
End-Point Detection and Response (EDR)
The end-point detection and response service is an excellent solution. This end-point security detection is an incredible activity, and it is primarily focused on detecting and investigating suspicious activities by identifying other problems on hosts or ending points. Using antivirus may protect your system from minor attacks or simple suspicious actions. But when it comes to providing higher security against sophisticated modern hacking techniques, these types of security system does not work properly. That is why the end-point detection response system EDR is crucial to create a robust security layer to get protected from powerful attacks. We REXO IT can provide you with the best end-point detection & response (EDR) solution, which uses the best and most powerful AI to stop attackers within their attacking tracks. This solution will also help in additional checking and undetected threats with the further analysis of the security standards, even if your devices are outside the office firewall, which is subsidized by a 24x7 Security Operations Center (SOC).
Phishing Prevention Training
The phishing prevention method is another valuable technique to defend against different cyber attacks. Most cyberattacks and security incidents in the internet industry start with phishing attacks aimed at employees of a business or company. We, "REXO IT," can provide you with this service by providing the right guidelines through training. This security solution will include managed anti-phishing training. Also, it will include several campaigns, which steadily increase the employee's ability to understand the circumstances to recognize, report, and block attempted phishing attacks perfectly.
Vulnerability Scanning and Remediation
We can also provide your organizations with vulnerability scanning and remediation solution. This security work will enhance the entire service or business network for the kinds of vulnerabilities attackers target. It will also help to identify the missing security patches, insecure settings, and unneeded services comfortably. This scanning process will help to improve the security of your business or service with appropriate findings. Also, the spottings are analyzed, prioritized, and addressed by following the closing loopholes to fix before attackers can manipulate them.
IT Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)
GRC is also an excellent form of security maintenance. This working strategy comes with an outstanding strategy, which appears with the best approach for managing an organization’s overall governance. The following working methods help the enterprise development and risk management, including the best compliance with regulations. Our cyber security team works professionally. We are ready to help you create a well-planned Governance as per the risk management and compliance strategy by following the business or the system working process. Additionally, the working methodology of our talented cyber security team comes with creating, auditing, and managing a clear framework, which helps to align your IT as per the business strategies.
Benefits of Cyber Security Services
Getting cyber security services is always beneficial. It helps operate a systematic business or software-based organization smoothly. There are several worthwhile sides to having cyber security services for your organization.
Because of the proactive protection, you can enjoy peace of mind 24/7.
Provide you with the best solution to a company’s threat profile.
Cyber security service is the best way to customize your company’s cyber protection with excellent security.
Cyber Security helps to maintain the optimum performance of your business and save money with the best of its safeguard.
These are the beneficial sides of having cyber security to an organization or business. All of the strategies for cyber security are valuable to maintain the optimum performance of every business and organization.